Friday, December 31, 2010

Lesson one- Daughters

Before we start our first lesson, I want to say welcome to all of you and please have a cup of tea and a scone or two. Enjoy the music and feel free to discuss the lesson afterwards...

Our lesson today will have to do with us, daughters.

What is a Daughter?
The culture tells us daughter is just a name to describe a girl born of two beings. Now this is true but, we are not just daughters.
Daughters are not just girls/women born of mortal beings and made by a immortal one. We are much more.... Here is "What we Are.".
The back bone to the home unit-

We are very much needed to keep the family together, us being the next in line, next to our mothers, to take care of home things. We also are the ones, besides our mothers, that hold the female influence in our families and us also being apart of the homemakerteam, which I know not every family has but, hopefully after you read this you will realize how importent it is to have one. Us being the "Back Bone" we need to get all the things I listed in place and need to learn what they are.


Three things the homemaker is known for Cleaning, Cooking, and Care of children. As you may notice you already do some of these things and may say "Well, looky here. I already am one!" Not to fast! You may be one but, one of our goals in these lessons are to be a great "Lady of Femininity" and one of the ways to be a noble lady as that is to be a balanced homemaker. Now notice I say balance, I say this wanting you to know that a "Lady of Femininity" does her best but does not over work her self! Over working your self is one of the best ways to cause stress, anger, and a cranky attitude. No, a balanced homemaker is one step toward a "Lady of Femininity".

The homemaker team is built of two types of people: Mothers and Daughters. The two we like to call mentors and apprentices. As you grow you will see what mother does... and notice that mother is not just a name either, its a well earned titled(or should be.) Your mother does all the cleaning, all the cooking and baking, all the caring of the children, and even is a taxi driver till you get your license's. An MANY more things..... as you grow older you start to do chores and your mother starts to give you more responsibilitys! Now first when we see the new list its overwhelming and you may notice yourself saying "But Mom!" or "I have to do ALL of those?" or you might feel that tug that makes you whine or pout. Now, girls that tug and that reply is called flesh something that God detest us to reply to... and when we do reply that's called sin. Now we talk more about homemakership later in our lessons and ways to be a better homemaker along with your mother and how importent it is but, for now know that one of the MOST importent jobs of being a daughter is being a great homemaker team mate!

A Female Influence-

There is no reply like a gentle one and there is no gentle reply like a woman's gentle reply. The definition for influence is this:

"1. A power affecting a person, thing, or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or apparent effort: relaxed under the influence of the music; the influence of television on modern life. "

When you read the difinition of influence and read the words...these deffinityly "one that operates without any direct or apparent effort" what dos that mean? This: so influence is something that comes naturlly and sometimes without you knowing it. Most of the time when we have a great attitude and are full of joy we are influencing others to have the same additude, the same can be said for bad additudes, manners, clothing style, beliefs, etc. That is why its SO importent for us to learn the "Ladies of Femininity" influence- the female influence of grace, gentleness, patience, love and firmness. Influence is something that brings out everything in you, its key elements are character, beliefs, heart. If you have a corupted character, full of selfishness- pride- self pity- discontentment, Beliefs that are not of God or are selfish or a heart full of hate and anger an rebelous ways, then you will influence all those things on the people around you, on your siblings speaiclly. If you have a character full of love for Christ- patience- obedence- and carry out J.O.Y. (Jesus first, Others second, Yourself last.) And beliefs based off of the bible and God's way an a heart full of the fruit of the spirit, then you will have an amazing influence! The hard part is keeping it up.. and through a healthy realitionship with Christ you will find that "Ladies of Femininity" influence is a TRUE beauty all in its self, with this influence it is just the start of a beauty inward coming out!

Keeping the Home Together-

This involes the homemakerteam and "Ladies of Femininity" influence. Its a mix of both, which you may not believe but it paints a beautiful picture together, they are both VERY much needed to make this picture. With "Ladies of Femininity" influence you are making a very beautiful spirit for the home and when all the females in the home are keeping that up, just think of what a beautiful picture your making for the others of the family and the friends that come and the strangers! "Ladies of Femininity" influence is a wonderful thing to have and something that will be one of the things that keep a family going strong. Lets list all the things that influence defeats!

"Ladies of Femininity" influence:

Gives a better look of Christ Church

Shapes a beautiful temple

Gives a great view to others on Christ centered influence

Supports everyone in the Family

And is honoring to our Heavenly Father

Is thee princess, daughter of the heavenly king way!

That is only a few! Homemakerteam is a team of working girls and women to have a house run smoothly and make it elegant. From orinized sucduales to yummy meals to dressing giggling toddlers or changing smelly diapers, the homemakerteam is to the rescue! They are the ones that link arms and get the laundry done, they are the ones who goes to the cabiniet and grab a bottle and feed those adorable babies and grab a book off the self and teach the kids memoriztion. They create that beautiful wooden walled thing a home with their frugal and creative ways! Put "Ladies of Femininity" influence and Homemakerteam together and that is what "Keeps the Family Together!".
The daughter is the helper to the mother, homemakerteam- 101. Can be a beautiful cornerstone by persuing "Ladies of Femininity" influence and of course is that beautiful thing we call a sister. She is made of all of those things including the most importent two things to include when rising to be a "Ladies of Femininity" daughter: faithfulness and selfwilling obedence.

Faithfulness is staying close when things get rough, when the tide comes high! Faith is believing in something, or someone in this case, when it seems they won't come through or you can't go on with it, or her or him. That is faithfullness which our parents need despretly!

Self Willing Obedence-

Selfwilling obedence is when we, our selves, decided to be obedent dispite whether they told us or not. To obey them when the are not there and to do it with love and understanding. If you don'y understand feel free to ask "Daddy or Mommy, I don't understand why I can't do this may I know why?" If they say yes, then except their answer even if you don't agree and humbly except your parents guidence, if your parents say no then walk away and except that they know best with your best smile. This is hard at first but with patience you will come through, trust me!

Psalm 144:12--

"That our sons may be as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as corner stones, polished after the similitude of a palace."


Ask your mother what can you help with everyday this week and do it with "Ladies of Femininity" influence, then tell us what happened.

Help make a meal this week with your mom or if your old enough make a meal all on your own for your family.
Books to help with "Ladies of Femininity" influence:
Beautiful Girlhood by Mabel Hale

Daughters of Virtue by Noelle Wheeler

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